Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Growing Microgreens!

Quick, easy and super tasty, microgreens are crops that the whole family can grow and enjoy without leaving the comfort of indoors. Plant a range of salad crops, herbs and Asian greens and watch mouthfuls of fresh healthy microgreens come up in a matter of days! Here's a step by step guide as seen on the Tui Garden Project on Annabel Langbein's show Through the Seasons.

Shopping list: Annabel Langbein Microgreen Goodness Seed Mix, Tui Seed Raising Mix, Seasol , a wooden tray and weed mat (optional).


  1. Good options to include when growing microgreens are radish, beetroot, peas, rocket, cress, mizuna, basil and bok choy. Try the Annabel Langbein Microgreen Goodness Seed Mix, which includes beetroot, cress, radish and rocket.
  2. Select a container – a wooden box or seed raising tray at least 10cm deep will work well, and line with a piece of weed mat to help keep the soil in the container.
  3. Fill your container with Tui Seed Raising Mix, a light, free draining mix specially blended to provide ideal conditions for germinating seeds and seedling establishment.
  4. Pat the Tui Seed Raising Mix down lightly in the container to compact it to create a smooth base.
  5. Lightly water the mix in the container.
  6. Sprinkle seeds generously over the top of the Tui Seed Raising Mix. Planting densely ensures a mass of greens.
  7. Gently press seeds down using your hands.
  8. Cover seeds with a thin layer of Tui Seed Raising Mix.
  9. Water well after planting and each day to keep moist and ensure healthy growth.

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