Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Planting Time!

A big thank you to the Eco-Warriors who have been busy planting into our new planter boxes!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Flower Beds

Today the Eco-Warriors transported healthy soil to the junior flower beds in preparation for planting! watch this space....

Vegetable Garden Planning!

Thanks to the Eco-Warriors who have put forward their plans for this years edible gardens! They have been looking into companion planting to see what flowers will help certain vegetables to thrive by keeping the bugs away!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mitre 10

A big thanks to Mitre 10 for providing us with a voucher for some TUI gardening products. Check out the Eco-warrior Leaders heading down to our local Mitre 10 to pick up a few supplies for our edible and flower gardens!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our new vege garden!

Miss Scadden would like to thank her family for giving up their time this weekend to come and build the Eco-Warriors their new and improved vegetable garden! These planter boxes will enable St Albans to have an edible garden that is more 'hands on' for the children.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Our Vege Garden is on the move!

The Eco-Warriors have chosen to relocate our existing vegetable garden to a new location! We have decided to use the space outside Room 10 to put in two new planter boxes. This is a nice sunny space that will help to produce a better crop of vegetables to be used within the school. Our plan is to recycle the materials from our existing vegetable garden - here is a sneek peek of our plans!

Here is our existing garden

This is our new space! 

This is what we would like to achieve
watch this space.....

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pigs, Pigs Beautiful Pigs!

St Albans School is lucky enough this year to collect our food scraps for 3 beautiful baby pigs! Please encourage your child to empty their food scraps into the bins provided at lunchtime as opposed to taking them home or putting them in the rubbish bin.  All food scraps are welcome.
Keep up the great work everybody.

Eco-Warriors team

Please meet your Eco-Warriors team for the 2012 school year! Aren't they BEAUTIFUL :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Eco-Warrior Leaders for 2012

Please meet our friendly Eco-Warrior leaders for 2012.
Anabel and Laouena are in charge of the Senior school
Beth and Trinny are in charge of the Middle school
Ava and Libby are in charge of the Junior school
We look forward to a productive 2012 - If you have any exciting ideas you would like to see the Eco-Warriors put into place this year please let us know