Monday, June 30, 2014

Carrot Cake Muffins!

Again a big thank you to Kylie and Matt who worked with the Eco-warrior leaders today to make some very yummy carrot cake muffins!

Vegetable Gardeners Diary - July

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In warmer areas of the country, the first lots of vegetable seeds can be started under glass, but do not sow outside as the soil is probably still too cold and damp. In cooler areas, try growing a few leafy green crops such as spinach, silverbeet or kale in pots and containers close to home.
Damp soils and cool temperatures encourage mildew and damping-off problems, so in cooler parts of the country wait another month or two until conditions improve before sowing. Instead, use your spare time to sharpen and clean all your garden tools ready for use in spring. Stock up on garden shed essentials such as fertilisers, Tui Quash slug & snail control, string, stakes, seed trays and Tui Seed Raising Mix in preparation for seed sowing and transplanting.


  • Asparagus - lift and divide overcrowded asparagus beds and plant out new crowns.
  • Broad beans -  stake or support plants as they grow.
  • Potatoes - now is the time to start sprouting new season seed potatoes ready for planting in August or September. Always choose certified seed potatoes, such as Tui Certified Seed Potatoes, as these are specifically selected to thrive in the home garden and guaranteed to be free of viruses and pests that affect potatoes. Prepare potato beds ready for planting by digging over the soil to a depth of 30cm. Next, add plenty of compost or Tui Super Sheep Pellets. Blend in Tui Potato Food to soil prior to planting.
  • Herbs - hardy herbs such as thyme, rosemary and bay tree can be planted in winter. Plant in Tui Herb Mix.


  • Mesclun, mizuna, rocket, silverbeet, spinach, coriander.


    • Beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflowers, celery, garlic, kale, mizuna, shallots, silverbeet, spinach, coriander, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme.


    • Blend Tui Vegetable Food into garden beds prior to planting garlic and shallots. Mix potato fertiliser into garden beds before planting seed potatoes.


    • Lay Tui Quash slug & snail control stop these pests munching on your plants.


    • Beetroot, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, celery, horseradish, kale, leeks, winter lettuces, mizuna, parsnips, yams.
    Regional variation: remember that there will be differences between crop timings depending on where you live and the variety of vegetables grown. Always factor in climatic differences when sowing, planting and harvesting.